Friday, July 29, 2011


Entitlement: {1} the state or condition of being entitled; a right to benefit specified especially by law or contract. {2} a government program providing benefits to members of a specified group; also: funds supporting or distributed by such a program {3} believe that one is deserving of or entitled to certain privileges. {Merriam-Webster}
The only thing we are “Entitled” to are our rights and opinions.  It says nowhere in the constitution that we are “Entitled” to Tax Payers dollars. A lot of the reasons we are having this “debt limit debate” is because citizens of the United States, have this crazy mindset that they are Entitled” to government money! NO!
Now before you Judge… Let me explain:  If you lost your job, because your company is downsizing, I do not mind helping you out for 3-5 months, in order for you to become stable, or find other employment…. But this is where I get {ticked} at the government. There are people on “Unemployment” who have been on “Unemployment” for over TWO {2} years because they make more money on unemployment then they would if they went to work at Starbucks/McDonalds.
via: Google
No wonder the US is broke and can’t afford to pay its bills…. We’re paying everyone else’s! Obviously I am not ok with FREE HANDOUTS!
My parents raised me by this philosophy: “Pick yourself up by the bootstraps and work for what you have” not “hey I don’t want to work, so I’m going to be lazy and live off the Government.”
Don’t get me wrong I support some of these programs listed below, but I’m not ok with “USING/ENABLING/TAKING ADVANTAGE”
United States Government Entitlement Programs:
529 or Coverdell
Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
Hope or Lifetime Learning Tax Credit
Student Loans
Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit
Earned Income Tax Credit
Social Security--Retirement & Survivors
Pell Grants
Unemployment Insurance
Veterans Benefits
G.I. Bill
Head Start
Social Security Disability
SSI--Supplemental Security Income
Welfare/Public Assistance
Government Subsidized Housing
Food Stamps

“ I think the best way of doing good to the poor, in not making them easy in poverty, but leading or driving them out of it. ~ Benjamin Franklin  1766.


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