Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Grace: “God’s unmerited favor and love that lead Him to grant salvation to believers through the exercise of their faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation cannot be earned; it's a gift of God’s Mercy “

I’ve been meaning to have a post like this for a while. I have so many questions as to Why”?   Why God’s Grace? Why in my life? How am I so blessed to have received it? My intentions with this blog was to focus on life, politics, health, and whatever came about that I thought I should share with the world! Ha! But today! Today is different. Today Grace has been heavy on my heart.   Today I realize how lucky I am to have received his Grace, and that it is my duty here on earth to help others understand it.
I think of all the people in foreign countries who may have never had the opportunity to receive Christ. I think about orphans in countries that don’t have a Mommy or Daddy to influence their life or to share the gospel with them. I think of all walks of life. From every country, nation, village and town. I think of the other “religions” who worship everything other than God. This truly breaks my heart.

This picture is special for 2 reasons. Those who know, keep praying, those who don't stay tuned.

“For it is by Grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” Ephesians 2:8 {Bible Gateway}
How did I get to be so lucky? I was born and raised in America {the greatest Nation of all}. I was raised in a church that’s Mission is: “God intended for the Church to be the primary instrument to reach the world and to make disciples....and you shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.  Acts 1:8b”
I sometimes have a hard time believing that God loves me so much, no matter what. He knows the deepest pain, hurt, sin in my life. And... And he still loves me!  He picked me to live with him for eternity.

Forever I am grateful. Forever I am blessed.


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