Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mary did you know?

Being a woman, you dream of the day you will get married, have children, and become old with the one you’ve married. However, I’m not so sure Mary had the same visions and goals that I do.
Early theologians say Mary was between the ages of 12 and 14 when she became betrothed to Jesus, so therefore this is the approximate age she gave birth to Jesus.  
I have yet to experience the birth of a baby (hopefully one day), but I could not even image riding on a donkey, giving birth on some hay, and having barley enough clothes to wrap my “holy” child in? What!?
Though Mary and Joseph did all of that! They married, she gave birth, and together they raised a child who… died for you and I.  I am reminded of a song this Christmas, sung my many, Mary did you know I thought I would share it with you!
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day walk on water?
Mary did you know that your baby
boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has
come to make you new?
This child that you've delivered will soon deliver you.

Mary did you know that your baby boy will give sight to a blind man?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will
calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has
walked where angels trod?
And when
you kiss your little baby, you have kissed the face of God.
The blind will see, the deaf will hear and the dead will live again.
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the lamb.
Lord of all creation?
Mary did you know that your baby boy will one day
rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven's perfect Lamb?
This sleeping child you're holding is the great I am.


He IS the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and He WILL soon come again!


Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm Back!

 Sabbatical-bringing a period of rest; It’s been way too long and I’ve almost forgotten how to write. I’ve missed you guys; however, our world has been quite busy lately, given holidays, school, work, birthdays, anniversaries, and together time!
I should welcome myself back--to blogging!
Today I mailed our Christmas Cards, and since I couldn't send each of you one personally, I’ve decided to share our Christmas card via the blog. I wish I could send it to each one of you, but I can’t. So therefore, from our family to yours… Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 10, 2011

1 year ago….

I don’t like to blog on the weekends, as I feel that’s “family time” but yesterday L and I celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary.
I can’t believe it’s already been 365 days. It felt like a lifetime when we were engaged waiting for our wedding day to arrive and now it seems like it was so long ago! It makes me sad. I want to relive that day, because it went by so FAST!!!
I remember walking down the aisle with my Dad, so calm and collected; I remember saying our vows to each other, and high-fiving after we kissed! It was one great day!
So today I thought I would share some amazing pictures that our GREAT photographer {Rachel Blackwell Here} took to share that special day!
I am so blessed! J

The End!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Halloween Décor

So I’ve always been known as a bit “crafty”, though now that I have a “big kid” job, unfortunately I don’t have as much time as I used too. But a couple of weeks ago, I decided I’d make a Halloween Wreath. I got on Etsy for some ideas. I found one I sort of liked, but I wanted something I’d LOVE. So I decided to make my own with the help of Hobby Lobby, Etsy, and Joanne’s for a much lower cost than on Etsy. Let’s begin!

What you’ll need:

1.    A {fun} wreath
2.    Ribbon (Halloween)
3.    Tulle
4.    Floral Wire
5.    Wire Cutters
6.    Hot Glue Gun
7.    Paint
8.    and whatever you want to add to the wreath.


Step #1
Find a cute feather wreath (I found mine at Joanne's) and paint your wooden decor, then set aside.

Step #2
Start assembling your bow. Tie and set aside.

Step #3
Make sure the paint has dried, then strategically place your wooden decor (or whatever Halloween
item you choose) on your wreath and Hot clue down.

I bought these and used black paint for their faces and outline.

Step #4
Tie the bow on with floral wire and tape down the wire to the back of the wreath.

Step #5
Say BEAUTIFUL! You're finished! Hang on your door for a spooky good time!



Wednesday, September 28, 2011

IF… I…

Today I decided to do a fun blog, since I haven't blogged in a couple of weeks. I got this idea from Shannon over at "Life after I Dew". So fun!
If  I could do any job in the world I’d work as a Travel Host, on the Travel Channel; so I could explore the world.
If  I had a day to myself, I’d get a pedicure, get my nails done, buy a new suit and get a full body massage.
If  I could live anywhere in the U.S. or World; I’d have a beach home in Florida all while living a Castle in Ireland.
If  I could have any talent in the world, I’d be able to play the piano.
If  money were no object; I’d drive a white range rover sport and a BMW 6 series  convertible.
If  I could meet one person; I’d meet Jesus while he was still on earth.
If  I could shop at one store the rest of my life; I’d shop at Bloomingdales.
If  I could get another animal; I’d get a husky or golden retriever (puppy of course).
If  I could go on a trip now, I’d go to Costa Rica.
If  I could pick between a housekeeper and a personal chef; I’d choose a personal chef… hands down! {Though L is becoming quite the little Chef} J
If  I could get married to L again; I’d have a small intimate wedding at the Monmouth Plantation Home in Natchez, Mississippi.
If  you meet me in real life you would be disappointed with my lack of whit, I'm really not funny at all.
If  I could learn a new trait, I’d become a photographer.
That’s all… the rest I can deal with for now.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Remember....9/11

I was 18, a freshman, sitting in a College History class. Ironic? Maybe. We were in deep discussion about WW2. Little did we know, WWW 3 war was slowly unfolding.  We had a TV in our classroom. We turned it on to watch in horror what was developing. There was not a single movement in the classroom, you could have heard pen drop. At first I thought it was an accident, and then the only thing you heard was the anchors, the terror in their voices as they described what they saw as the second plane hit. Our Professor dismissed our class, and asked us to call our parents and pray for our country.
8:46 AM Flight 11 crashes at roughly 466 mph (790km/h or 219m/s or 425 knots) into the north face of the North Tower (1 WTC) of the World Trade Center, between floors 93 and 99.

  9:03 AM  Flight 175 crashes at about 590 mph (950 km/h) into the south face of the South Tower (2 WTC) of the World Trade Center, banked between floors 77 and 85.
Source {via}
9:37 AM Flight 77 crashes into the western side of the Pentagon.

Source {via}

9:59 AM The South Tower of the World Trade Center begins to collapse, 56 minutes and 2 seconds after the impact of Flight 175.
10:03 AM United Airlines Flight 93 is crashed by its hijackers and passengers, due to fighting in the cockpit 80 miles (129 km) southeast of Pittsburgh in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
10:28 AM The North Tower of the World Trade Center begins to collapse.
Source {Via}
At that moment I made the decision. The decision to serve something far greater then myself. Even though it wasn’t till 2008 until I moved to DC; it was the greatest experience of my life. I have a complete different understanding of “terrorism”, “the Middle East”, and huge respect for President Bush.

 At 3:30 p.m. EST,on May 1st, 2011 a 40-man Navy Seals squadron raided a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, killing the Al Qaeda leader Osama Bid Laden with a bullet to the head!

God Bless you and God Bless the United States of America.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is waterboarding torture?

Because September 11th is approaching, and I am glued to the TV right now, with VPOTUS book release and all the interviews of POTUS, and what he did and what really happened on September 11th. I thought I would see if you guys believed waterboarding is torture? I’m just curious to know.

I am obviously very patriotic, but I do feel there is a difference. For instance, in China they do anything from Immersion in sewage, ripping out fingernails, sleep deprivation, cigarette burns to beatings with electric prods {even though it was outlawed in 1996}, in Iran or Iraq, they take it a step further to being hung upside-down, deprived of air, kicked, whipped, beaten, given electric shocks, and sodomized.
Now I’m not saying I support any of this, nor am I saying I’m against it, but I will say I think there is a fine line, as well as a huge difference between torture and waterboarding.
If there is information that United States needs to attain, because this information could be detrimental to the United States….. I really feel that they should utilize every avenue in order to accomplish this goal. These are just my opinions though… now I want to hear yours.
*Please take the poll located on the right top corner of this blog*


Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Lynn!

When I began praying for a husband and the qualities that I wanted, I really did think to myself on numerous occasions “Am I ever going to find him?” Honestly, I was completely satisfied with my life. I was single, living in a huge city, studying in college and ok with where I was. When I moved back to Arkansas I realized there was still something missing. I knew deep down inside though, I eventually wanted to get married, have children and have the house with the white picket fence, but I was also ok with the fact that if God did not want me to marry then that was his will and plan for my life.

When I met L, and we began dating, I realized all those qualities in which I had prayed for in a husband were in him, but I thought to myself “a man doesn’t just get these; someone has to teach boys this”. Soon after I meant Lynn {little did I know then he would soon become my FIL} I saw in Lynn where L got this from.
Today Lynn celebrated his birthday. L and I are continually blessed by him and his 34 years of marriage to L’s mom. They together inspire us, demonstrate love, compassion, and are complete genuine people to both L and I. L and I are so blessed to have them in our lives and continue to encourage us as newlyweds.
Lynn has instilled in L and his older brother Bryan, qualities and attributes that still amaze me. I We thank God for him today and we thank him also for the example and leadership he has set and continues to set each and every day.

King of the Grill.

The Men!


My FIL with his "Children"

Happy Birthday Lynn! Thank you for your example {and Son!} J
