Friday, May 6, 2011

And she said….. YES!

Normally on Friday, I write about “Fabulous Favorite Friday’s”; though today is special in the Claypool household. Today marks the two {2} year anniversary that L asked ME to be HIS wife; I can hear it now {awww}. J Yes it was a special day even though it was HOT, and in the Middle of Mud! J
So for all you hopeless romantics out there I’ll give you the brief story. The first of May, probably around 85-90* here in Arkansas {I can’t fully remember} at a lake here in town. I had just finished finals and L had taken the afternoon off. I knew he was up to something because he had “pretended to propose” to me a couple of times before. We had lunch and then headed for some golf. After golf we went to the lake for an hour and half walk thru the nature trails. Now by this time I was sweating {gross}, and all I really wanted to do was swing. J  On our way back we walked down to the water in a wooded area, he then began to tell me how much he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. As he went down on his knee to propose… {Girls I don’t recommend this} Ha! … I thought he was joking. J So I told him to get back up. Yes Seriously I said “get up… Why are you pretending again?” He then pulled the ring out of his pocket, and it looked a little bit more “Shinny then a fake ring” lol so at this point I KNEW he was FOR REAL! After he repeatedly asked me for an answer, I “obviously” told him YES! And I finally got to swing!!  We then told our families and ate a nice Italian celebration meal!!
My Ring
More Ring. HA!
So L and I only knew each other for 4 1/2 months before we got engaged, but I wouldn’t change a thing. We have been married for 209 days as of today! J I never thought it would happen so quickly, but so thankful it did. I thank God for him Everyday, the Man that he is, the Man that he is becoming and the Father he will become some day. God has blessed me so much and continues to bless US everyday, and I thank God that I am able to “borrow” L while on Earth! We are BEST FRIENDS, we LAUGH together all the time, and we make the BEST out of every situation. I can’t wait to celebrate 50 years together.
Right after we were engaged!

I am blessed!

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