Thursday, September 1, 2011

Is waterboarding torture?

Because September 11th is approaching, and I am glued to the TV right now, with VPOTUS book release and all the interviews of POTUS, and what he did and what really happened on September 11th. I thought I would see if you guys believed waterboarding is torture? I’m just curious to know.

I am obviously very patriotic, but I do feel there is a difference. For instance, in China they do anything from Immersion in sewage, ripping out fingernails, sleep deprivation, cigarette burns to beatings with electric prods {even though it was outlawed in 1996}, in Iran or Iraq, they take it a step further to being hung upside-down, deprived of air, kicked, whipped, beaten, given electric shocks, and sodomized.
Now I’m not saying I support any of this, nor am I saying I’m against it, but I will say I think there is a fine line, as well as a huge difference between torture and waterboarding.
If there is information that United States needs to attain, because this information could be detrimental to the United States….. I really feel that they should utilize every avenue in order to accomplish this goal. These are just my opinions though… now I want to hear yours.
*Please take the poll located on the right top corner of this blog*


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