If I told you I really didn’t get heated when it came to politics, I would be lying. I came across an article today that really poured kerosene on an already burning fire. Why? Well as we all know I am a newly married. When L and I got married we promised each other things and vowed to one another till “Death do us Part”. Ok so let me translate… L and are committed to one another until one of us goes to see Jesus! Which means L is a MAN and I am a WOMAN!
What part of Genesis 2:18, 21-24 don’t people get? “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” WIFE: The term originated from the Middle English wif, from Old English wīf, woman or wife, from Germanic * wībam, woman, which itself is related to Modern German Weib (woman, wife), from the Indo-European root ghwībh- 'shame; pudenda' (cf. Tocharian B kwīpe and Tocharian A kip, each meaning 'female pudenda', with clear sexual overtones) The original meaning of “wife” as simply “woman”, unconnected with marriage, is preserved in words like “midwife” and “fishwife”. Again let me translate… WIFE means GIRL not BOY!
Ok so now that were clear on the definitions, the article via yahoo stated this today: "The White House says President Barack Obama is "grappling" with his personal views on gay marriage even as HE’s (POTUS) ordered the Justice Department to stop defending the constitutionality of a law that bans it.
The Justice Department announced Wednesday that, at Obama's direction, it would not defend the Defense of Marriage Act (Read it here) in a court case where it's being challenged.
Spokesman Jay Carney said Obama has always opposed the Defense of Marriage Act as "unnecessary and unfair." But Carney said there's no change to how Obama views gay marriage itself.
Obama said in January that he is still wrestling with whether gay couples should have the right to marry. He said his feelings on the issue continue to evolve but he still believes in allowing strong civil unions."
Lucy this is my fav post so far... I can Hear you saying the very words.. yet so informative! Keep on Blogging girl!