Thursday, June 30, 2011

Is he out?

This afternoon Bloomberg reported
Source Unknown, via Drudge
“Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has signaled to White House officials that he’s considering leaving the administration after President Barack Obama reaches an agreement with Congress to raise the national debt limit, according to three people familiar with the matter.
Geithner hasn’t made a final decision and won’t do so until the debt ceiling issue has been resolved, according to one of the people. All spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private discussions.
The Treasury secretary has said the U.S. risks defaulting on its obligations if Congress doesn’t raise the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling by Aug. 2. The administration and congressional Republicans are at an impasse in negotiations to raise the limit, which also is tied to efforts to cut the nation’s long- term deficit.
Moody’s Investors Service said on June 2 it expects to place the U.S. government’s Aaa credit rating under review for a possible downgrade if there’s no progress on the debt limit by mid-July. Fitch Ratings said June 21 it would place the U.S. on a negative rating watch if no action is taken by Aug. 2.
An exit by Geithner would complete the turnover in Obama’s original economic team, with Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Austan Goolsbee scheduled to leave in early August to return to the University of Chicago.
That would leave Obama with two key posts to fill as Republicans are seeking to turn the 2012 election into a referendum on Obama’s handling of the economy and the recovery is slowing. The unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent in May, according to the Labor Department, and the U.S. economy grew at a 1.9 percent pace in the first quarter, according to Commerce Department figures released June 24.
Seeking a Break
Geithner, 49, has told associates that he needs a break from government service after dealing with the turmoil that followed the collapse of Wall Street firms including Bear Stearns Cos. and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., first as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and then as Obama’s treasury secretary.
Family considerations also are playing a role in Geithner’s deliberations, according to the people. His son has decided to finish his final year of high school in New York.
If Geithner does leave the administration, Obama would be losing a member of his economic team who understands Washington institutions and the New York banking world as well as the intricacies of the Chinese economy. Geithner has pressed the Chinese to let their currency appreciate faster to reduce the global imbalances that both he and Obama have blamed for financial uncertainty.
Rocky Start
After Obama’s victory in the 2008 election, Geithner had a rocky start in Washington as he faced Senate scrutiny over his failure to pay self-employment tax returns while he worked at the International Monetary Fund. He paid some of the taxes after being audited by the IRS and didn’t pay the rest until it was clear he would be nominated for the Treasury post, according to the Senate Finance Committee.
His initial moves to return financial markets to health were rebuffed by Wall Street. On Feb. 10, 2009, when Geithner unveiled a plan to bolster the banking system, the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index tumbled 4.9 percent.
As Obama’s presidency progressed, and the economy began to recovery, Geithner’s stature grew.
“Tim was very influential from day one,” said former CEA chairman Christina Romer. “In some sense, his public persona has just caught up with what has always been true inside the White House.”
In addition to Goolsbee, who announced his decision to return to the University of Chicago earlier this month, three other top Obama economic advisers already have departed. At the CEA, Goolsbee replaced Romer, who returned to teaching at the University of California at Berkeley last September. National Economic Council Director Lawrence Summers and Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag left the administration last year. Summers returned to Harvard University, and Orszag is now vice chairman of global banking at Citigroup Inc.
Geithner earned a bachelor’s degree from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, and a master’s degree from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies in Washington, D.C. After graduate school, he worked for three years at a global consulting firm founded by Henry A. Kissinger. "

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Democrat vs. Republican

Many people ask me a lot what the difference is between Democrats and Republicans and why it matters. Well I have to say whichever party you’re affiliated with it’s ultimately your choice. I have known people who say they’re affiliated with a certain party just because that is what their parents or grandparents were.  Again that’s a choice but I would advise not to be ignorant in making that choice. 
According to {what it means to be a democrat} these are Democrats guiding principles. {I’ve added my responses in WHITE}
"Our vision is simple. We want an America that gives all Americans the chance to live out their dreams and achieve their God-given potential. We want an America that is still the world's strongest force for peace and freedom. And we want an America that is coming together around our enduring values, instead of drifting apart. That is what today's Democratic Party offers: the end of the era of big government and a final rejection of the misguided call to leave our citizens to fend for themselves -- and bold leadership into the future: To meet America's challenges, protect America's values, and fulfill American dreams."
·         Believe in Equality- Democrats believe all people should be able to pursue their goals to spite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. In the sixties, Democrats {and Republicans} fought for civil rights, but the battle is not yet over.
·         Fight for Education- Democrats realize that all Americans should have the opportunity to pursue an education regardless of the economic situation they are born into. {agreed, hence we need to lower tuition expenses, and offer more scholarships}
·         Support Freedom of Speech-The right for people to express their beliefs and advocate their ideas is paramount in a democracy.  Though as unique people, we will find some ideas repugnant, but the First Amendment is vital to the free exchange of ideas and should never be violated. {agreed}
·         Fight for a Clean Environment- A Democrat believes that the environment must be protected from those will exploit it for their own means. We are part of this ecosystem. Its destruction is our destruction. {Agreed, It’s not our earth to begin with… its God’s…think about that next time you litter…Al Gore!}
·         Support Technology- The Democratic Party is a strong supporter of technology and keeping the United States on top. {Indifferent}
·         Use Economic Responsibility- It is economically irresponsible to push the nation into debt to support the comforts of the wealthy. {agreed, BUT I’m not ok with citing the wealthy because they’ve worked hard for what they’ve made}
·         Use Fair Taxes- Taxes should not be used to increase the gap between the very wealthy and the very poor in the United States. Giving tax breaks to the rich while unloading the weight onto the shoulders of the poor, is wrong. {This is where I get really frustrated because as stated previously, we shouldn’t isolate the poor, but we don’t need to have HAND-OUTS. This is why we are in DEBT. We don’t need to tax the wealthy just because they worked hard for what they have. It should be EVEN}
·         Fight for Working America- The government must protect the rights workers from exploitation. This includes making sure that employees receive a livable wage, work in a safe environment, and have an active role in the corporation. {Waste of time, money and resources}
·         Support Health Care- Health care is an essential part of life and well-being. This is not a right only reserved for the content in society, but for each and every American. {wasted money, let the free market Insurance Companies do their job}
·         Support a Women's Right to Choose- The Woman's Right to Choose is fundamental to equality between the sexes. No one or no government agency should interfere with reproductive rights. {Too Controversial…but… “The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:4-5).}
 ·         Separation of Church & State- The government should not endorse or favor any religion above another. To do so, isolates and intimidate those who follow a faith other than that of the majority. The First Amendment guarantees all Americans the freedom of religion and, consequently, the freedom from religion. {agree, partially, we should have separation of church and state, but remember what the country was built on, and the constitution.. One Nation UNDER GOD! Just sayin’ }
·         Support Multi-Culturalism- All cultures are inherently equal and unique. People should be able practice their traditions and feel pride in their background. Each culture, in turn, adds diversity to America. {Agree}
·         Support Real Campaign Finance Reform- A democracy can only function if the will of the people is observed. Unfortunately, special interest groups have enormous influence through the hard money they provide. {This one is dumb. Ha! Again, who cares about the special interest, if Government would get their greedy little hands out of things, then maybe the special interests groups could do their jobs.. It’s a FREE Market. Exercises your 1st amendment right.}

And the difference…… : {the GOP}

·         We're fortunate to live in America-The Republican Party believes that the United States has been blessed with a unique set of individual rights and freedoms available to all. {Agreed}
·         You can be what you are, and become what you are capable of becoming- The Republican Party is inspired by the power and ingenuity of the individual to succeed through hard work, family support and self-discipline. {Agreed, because I’m not ok with HANDOUTS! I worked hard for where I am today, God gave humans the will power, but it’s at their discretion on how to use it. }
·         Helping those around you is worthwhile- The Republican Party believes in the value of voluntary giving and community support over taxation and forced redistribution. {Agreed, Volunteering is a wonderful thing, but indifferent because it’s not for everyone}
·         Small government is a better government for the people-The Republican Party, like our nation's founders, believes that government must be limited so that it never becomes powerful enough to infringe on the rights of individuals. {SO AGREED…. “Those are governed best who are governed least."- Thomas Jefferson}
·         You know what to do with your money better than government- The Republican Party supports low taxes because individuals know best how to make their own economic and charitable choices. {Can I get an AMEN?}
·         Free markets keep people free- The Republican Party is supportive of logical business regulations that encourage entrepreneurs to start more businesses so more individuals can enjoy the satisfaction and fruits of self-made success. {Can I get an AMEN?}
·         Our Armed Forces defend and protect our democracy- The Republican Party is committed to preserving our national strength while working to extend peace, freedom and human rights around the world {and another….Can I get an AMEN?}

So why are you Democratic?


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And she’s IN!!

Michelle Bachmann that is! Yup that’s right she’s running for President. So who is she and why do I love her?
Michelle Bachmann represents the 6th district of Minnesota. You can read her biography {here}. Congresswoman Bachmann is a leading advocate for tax reform, a staunch opponent of wasteful government spending, and a strong proponent of adherence to the Constitution, as intended by the Founding Fathers. She believes government has grown exponentially, with ObamaCare being the most recent example of its uninhibited growth. Congresswoman Bachmann wants government to make the kind of serious spending decisions that many families and small businesses have been forced to make. She is a champion of free markets and she believes in the vitality of the family as the first unit of government. She is also a defender of the unborn and staunchly stands for religious liberties. Prior to serving in the U.S. Congress, Bachmann served in the Minnesota State Senate.  She was elected to the Minnesota State Senate in 2000 where she championed the Taxpayers Bill of Rights.  Before that, she spent five years as a federal tax litigation attorney, working on hundreds of civil and criminal cases. Sounds to me like she has the background, and she pretty fisty!
With the Iowa Caucus set for February 6th, 2012, and here are my picks!
·         POTUS: Herman Cain and V-POTUS: Michelle Bachmann
·         POTUS: Mitt Romney and V-POUTUS: Tim Pawlenty
Seems realistic to me! J, put ultimately time will tell! This is why the Iowa Caucus is so vital to the run.


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Welcome… Baby Manning!

Manning. Ellis. Martin. 7pounds. 11 ounces. 3.31 pm. June 8th, 2011.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Psalms 139:14 from NIV.

When my sister birthed her first child, I felt like a kid in a candy shop. Gitty and excited, and I fell in love with his little face! That is my nephew who will be FIVE (5) this September. I love him more every day, his smile, his loving little character, and his hilarious vocabulary. What a blessing he is to L and I, I can’t wait to watch him grow into the little man he will become. I love you Landon!

Then come’s my niece! Who I promise will be next in line to the throne, as her sassiness is priceless. Ha!  She is such a little southern belle; though tough as can be {she has to be Landon will attack her}! Even though I was in DC for her first 6 months of her life, her age now is the best! ACE will be FOUR 4 in December! I can’t wait to watch you grow ACE!

Now the newest additional to the family; Manning! She is so beautiful and her little brown hair is so precious! She will develop her own personality in the coming months, but as for now, she is so quiet and content. My cup has overflowed!

Honestly ya’ll, I have no idea how in the world L and I will feel if and when God blesses us with our own family. I have so much love for Landon, ACE and Manning. L and I want to adopt, preferably from China, and that in itself will be an adventure; however, whatever the number of children God blesses us with either naturally or by adoption, I know He will again fill my heart with TONS of LOVE!

I am blessed to be an Aunt to 3 WONDERFULLY and BEAUTIFULLY made children! What a blessing you are to us, and I pray we can be a role model to each of you as you grow!
Congratulations Betsy and Greg! What a beautiful family!

Betsy, Landon, ACE, and Greg (Manning just started baking)

Aunt Lucy

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Catching Up....

So I’ve been absent…yet again and I apologize as life always seems to take precedence. We have been a little busy over the Memorial Day weekend and I am super busy as Wal-Mart’s Shareholder’s 2011 begins this week! WOW! So much to do… so little time! J

 This past weekend was Memorial Day. It was the first time in a very long time that L and I did not have a prior commitment such as a wedding/shower/golf/trip that we had to partake in. YAY for relaxing! L played Golf on Sunday after church. He always tells me that he does really bad… but when you score a 79/80, I take that as decent. When I play, I’m happy to get a 100. Ha!

Monday, I enjoyed going to the National Cemetery. They had a ceremony that honored those who had served our country as well as currently serving. My grandparents {My Mom’s Parents} and my Uncle {My Mom’s Brother} are both buried there, so it was nice to have a bit of a “tie” to the service.  Even though I served my country, it was nowhere near what the military does for us on a daily basis. THANK YOU MILITARY!

National Cemetary

L and I also gave Chloe a bath. Ha! That was interesting, though she ran for a while, she finally enjoyed it. She smelt so good and look very pretty. She’s so sassy now!  J

Chloe and her "Daddy"

Wal-Mart Shareholders is also beginning this week. Last night we brought in Lady Antebellum and Darius Rucker, and tonight is Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band.  It’s always a fun time, especially since our entire International teams fly in.

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream Hot Air Ballon {The Suppliers get a little excitied}

I can’t believe is today is June 1! Can you believe L and I have been NEWLYWEDS FOR 235 DAYS! Almost 1 YEAR! WHOA!
