Friday, June 29, 2012

Are you happy now?

Yesterday… I became completely disgusted with our Leaders in Washington.
Yesterday … Makes me want to go back to Washington and have talks with the leaders of this Country! 
Yesterday … Makes me have more inspiration to run for Governor when I’m 40!
Yesterday… Makes me question a lot, makes me very ANGRY and makes me realize even more this was all in God’s plan—whether I agree with it or not.
If you’ve ever read this blog, you know that I’m conservative. I’m conservative because that lines up most with what the bible teaches. The bible is God’s law and really that’s the problem with this country is that we have strayed….strayed from Gods Law. People believe they are entitled to things when really the only things we are entitled to is Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
What makes me even more disappointed is that we the people have voted these people in office and allowed them to rule this great country.
Because of what occurred yesterday….
1)   This is going to cause the unemployment rate to go through the roof. Why in world would a small business who is struggling want to tack-on the cost of covering ALL of their employees?
2)   Why is government stepping in to tell the American people that they have to purchase an item and if not you have to pay a FEE?
3)   The choice should be up to the citizen whether they have health insurance or not. If they choose to have it they should also have the right to choose where it comes from and what things are covered. If they choose not to carry it they should not be TAXED by the government—where did the FREE MARKET go?
4)   How are you going to tax people who are already on welfare and can't afford to pay the penalty? Where is that money going to come from? Essentially you are saying too bad you can’t pay now give me more money?
The founding fathers never meant for the Federal Government to have this much power—the power was SUPPOSE to reside within the States—hence we have a Governor.
·         They have taken over healthcare
·         They have taken over student loans
·         They have taken over the financial industries
·         They have taken over motor vehicle industries

What else will they take over? Next your  FREEDOMS?? Whatever happened to the land of the free?


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